3 Video Series Videos #2

Keep watching! This video tells you more about why you need “SpeakEasy!”

Video Two:

My name is David Alexander and I’m here to help you to speak English the way Americans are speaking it! I help you by the use of my free reels on Instagram and YouTube, but especially with my SpeakEasy American English accent training Course

In this, video #2 of the 3-Free Video Series, is where I help you understand the importance of learning all the things you need to know before you can ever expect to sound like a native speaker of American English. Without this knowledge, not to mention practice, you simply won’t attain that level where people can’t identify you as a non-native speaker within the first sentence you speak. This may seem frustrating, but, why? I’ve got all the information you need, and the capacity to offer you the practice you must make, to achieve your goal.

The first part that must be gone over and learned properly is the correct way ALL the vowels of American English are pronounced. There are more than you think there are!! And, once you understand their subtle differences, you can already start to sound more like a native, because learning the proper pronunciation of individual sounds is one of only TWO aspects you really need to learn – the other is Stress, Rhythm and Intonation, which gets explained in Video #3 and practiced in the SpeakEasy course, by way of our AI-assisted software app that’s included in my course! This tool is INVALUABLE and makes this COURSE absolutely EFFECTIVE. Without this tool, my course may be amazing, but it won’t get the job done. You need practice and FEEDBACK.

What makes my teaching of Vowels and Consonants, and my explanation of Stress, Rhythm and Intonation different and WAY BETTER than the multitude of other information sources on the net covering the same information? GOOD QUESTION! But, I also have a GOOD ANSWER!

Quality and completeness, yet with an uncomplicated nature of presentation. The way I teach the knowledge I present is more PALATABLE to the mind. It’s presented in a straightforward, comprehensible, intelligible and simple way. Your mind will immediately begin to decipher, separate and categorize what had before perceived to be a mind-bogglingly infinite array of what seems to be almost identical sounds.

Knowledge is power, but random information just put there for you to figure out on your own isn’t going to work. It’s like learning how to dance by sitting in a classroom and watching stick figures drawn on a whiteboard. The only way you can learn is to get on the dance floor and dance. Yes, you need to either dance with the instructor, or watch the instructor dance and IMITATE their moves. After a while, your unconscious mind will begin to move your feet and your body the same was as the instructor. Learning English with Speakeasy is very similar.

You will learn from me, and you will SOUND like me. Stay tuned for the last video of this free series, where we’ll expound on Stress, Rhythm and Intonation and why you MUST learn this, if you want to truly sound like a native speaker.
