3 Video Series Videos #3

After you watch video #3, be wise, and purchase the course or visit our website

SpeakEasy Theoretical


Have a look at some screenshots of the SpeakEasy’s theoretical education part of the course:

~ David Alexander Palahnuk (your American English Accent Coach)

In AmeriSpeak Labs’ “SpeakEasy” online course, you’ll be educated with the most complete information available ANYWHERE of all the practical mouth, tongue and jaw techniques used by natives of North American English, PLUS you’ll get the “insider” secrets and tips that are rarely talked about or revealed to take you all the way to mastery, AND, you’ll get the assistance of sound tracks that help you understand and to listen to the individual sounds and short sentences to actually HEAR what’s being taught!

SpeakEasy AI Powered

Pronunciation Practice Tool

Have a look at the screenshots of the AI-Assisted Pronunciation and Accent Software that’s included in AmeriSpeak labs’ “SpeakEasy” online course!

Video Three:

My name is David Alexander and I’m here to help you to speak English the way Americans are speaking it! I help you by the use of my free reels on Instagram and YouTube, but especially with my SpeakEasy American English accent training Course!

Here, in Video 3 of 3, you will learn all about the IMPORTANCE of truly learning and integrating the stress, rhythmic and tonal PATTERNS of English. Yes, patterns. Most of us are good with patterns. We can tell them apart and remember them well, but we can’t do that if we don’t have an UNDERSTANDING of what we’re supposed to be hearing, when we’re listening out for them. And, we must stop believing that the number of patterns are infinite – they’re not. There are only so many. At first, it seems like there are either too many or they’re indecipherably different from each other. Neither of this is true. Once you start to consciously recognize similar patterns in American English speech, your unconscious mind will take care of sorting out these patterns, beyond your conscious awareness, making it possible for you to instinctively know which ones are being used when you LISTEN and how and when to use them yourself, when you SPEAK.

“It’s so COMPLICATED!” – This is what it always seems like when we’re presented with a new skill to learn. No matter what it is – it can be learning to type, sing, dance, paint, write, play a musical instrument, learn public speaking, etc. – it’s always the same. At first there’s this feeling that it’s daunting and, maybe even impossible, to learn. None of this is true, and, if you commit to learning by having a passion to learn it because you want it so much, decide to be regular, consistent in practice, disciplined in your learning and give it your BEST EFFORT, without giving up, you will quite easily achieve proficiency, then eventual near-mastery, to even TRUE mastery.

When it comes to learning skills, the only way you can fail is if you’ve talked yourself OUT of learning and mastering them. Talents are learned, not just automatic!

The way you will MASTER the American English accent is to PRACTICE, and this is not normally achievable in a self-study course that you can purchase at a fixed price, and even can be paid in monthly installments, without attending a live class with a human coach, but this course offers it… with the inclusion of the AI-assisted reading and shadowing practice software that enables you to listen, speak, and receive feedback. This type of practice makes it possible to truly adopt everything this course teaches you so you can have profound and massive improvement in your accent.

Believe me, it’s worth much more than we charge for this course. If you’re interested in learning more, or to speak to one of our representatives that can answer any questions you may have, please go on to our website and submit a ticket to be contacted by someone via email or chat application.

Please click the button that takes you to our website to learn more, to inquire further, or, best yet, to just get started with the purchase of my comprehensive course, for a one-time cost of only $295, or for $12 payments of $30.

Thank you very much!
